Test Test Test - Writing Articels on Hawass
Hawass offers space for an experimental approach to academic writing.
The basic idea is to cut up longer lines of thought into smaller portions. Complex content is not being cut short here by splitting up a topic into subtopics and arguments. Complexity is just organized differently: Articles and arguments on Hawass are (re)connected through tags. These tags that users attach to their entries establish new connections and may lead to also new lines of thought.
This way the dialogue between writers, thinkers, researchers is being enhanced and in a way accelerated. Readers may engage more easily with the argument (and the researcher) via comments. Acceleration as a principle does not need further support. When it comes to the exchange of academic ideas and arguments though, we often feel the need to get into a debate without the big timely distance that lies between writing and the actual publishing, let alone reception. The aim is not to question the necessity of papers or books. It is to offer and try out a format more suitable for contemporary topics and the web.
- Author : Alina Kokoschka| ©
- Date :18/05/2020
- License :Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
- Link :http://hawass.org/image/675